Sunday 28 August 2016

Beberapa Inspirasi untuk Pengemasan Produk Pertanian

Profil Petani dalam Kemasan 

Foto diambil dari media sosial Bayu Bergas

Bayu Bergas menulis :

Di banyak toko dan swalayan yg menjual sayuran di Japan, kita bisa melihat profil sang petani.

Biasanya profil mereka ditaruh di atas, di sebelah atau bahkan ditempel di bungkus sayuran hasil pertaniannya masing-masing. Nama petani, foto diri mereka, jenis sayuran yg mereka kelola, nama distributor dan juga alamat, tertera dg jelas. Alamat ini biasanya diterakan agar kita bisa berkunjung juga ke pertanian mereka dan membeli langsung sayuran yg paling segar. 
Di sini, profesi petani adalah salah satu profesi yg sangat dihormati dan dilindungi.

Pengamasan Herbs 

Friday 26 August 2016

Berburu Devisa Melalui Pekerjaan Freelance

Alhamdulillah, sekarang sudah jaman internet, segala serba  mudah, termasuk urusan berburu devisa. Setidaknya bisa sedikit-sedikit membantu menambah cadangan devisa negara yang sangat diperlukan untuk membayar utang luar negeri yang kian menumpuk [1].

Berikut adalah beberapa situs freelancing yang bisa dijadikan tempat untuk berburu Devisa

1. Upwork,

2. Toptal,

3. Freelancer,

4. Craiglist,

5. Guru,

6. 99designs,

7. Freelance Writings Gigs,

8. Demang Media,

9. College Recruiter,

10. GetAcoder,

11. iFreelance,

12. Project4hire,

13. SimplyHired,

14. Codementor,

15. Shutterstock contributor,


  1. Belajar Bareng (Melunasi) Utang Nasional,

Saturday 20 August 2016

How - in building your business - are you building your value?

#muhasabah #nusantara #startup #kewirausahaansosial  

How - in building your business - are you building your value?,
Ketika membaca "value", yg teringat adalah salah satu hadits #Rasulullah Shallallahu’alaihi Wasallam ...

"’Orang beriman itu bersikap ramah dan tidak ada kebaikan bagi seorang yang tidak bersikap ramah. Dan sebaik-baik manusia adalah orang yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia.” (HR. Thabrani dan Daruquthni) 

Semoga Kita semua selalu dipermudah dalam melaksanakan niat baik kita ..., dan bisa menjadi insan-insan yg membawa banyak manfaat bagi orang lain ...

Oleh : Roger James Hamilton

How do you sell a company you started 3 months earlier for $680 million? That’s what Anthony Levandowski just did. He started his company, Otto, in May, and sold it this week to Uber.

Here’s 3 steps that Anthony took in one of the fastest startup-to-sale stories in history:


At 16 years old, in 1997, Anthony started his first business building websites. But then thought "there was no barrier to entry there, so I'd better think of something more specialized.”

So he decided to take his passion for lego and build robots instead. The journey paid off when he won the first Lego MindStorms Challenge in San Francisco in 2001. His winning robot? He called it “BillSortBot” and its one function was sorting monopoly money.

Even at that early stage, Anthony saw the power of robots to connect with humans, saying “Adding the purple antennas and large eyes gave it a little bit of character.” The judges didn’t just love what the robot did. They loved the robot.

Anthony jumped on the robot revolution wave, and started his company, Anthony’s Robots.

His big break? It came from his mother. Anthony recalls: “My mom called me up and said, there’s this robot race it would be interesting for you to find out about.”

The race was the DARPA Grand Challenge for self-driving cars, and Anthony got to work on “Ghostrider”, a robot motorbike that entered, but failed to win, the race.

Even so, Anthony had caught the bug for self-driving cars: “It struck a chord deep in my DNA. It was almost like discovering electronics. I didn’t know where it was going to be used or how it would work out, but I knew that this was going to change things significantly.”


While many entrepreneurs believe going it alone with your own company is the key to success, the most successful entrepreneurs invested time working with mentors and companies who have already achieved greater success.

That’s what Anthony did. Along with DARPA Challenge winner, Sebastian Thrun, Anthony was offered a job with Google to work on their mapping technology. He took the job, and that led to the Google X self-driving car project, which Anthony became the project leader for.

For the next 10 years, Anthony worked quietly in the background as Google’s self-driving cars and the entire self-driving car wave grew - until he was ready to step out on his own 3 months ago.


With every major car manufacturer announcing their own self-driving car projects this year, Anthony wondered how he could choose a niche that most of them weren’t focused at. His solution? Trucks.

In May, Anthony left Google with some of his team and created a new startup, Otto, named after German engineer Nikolaus Otto, who developed the internal combustion engine.

Otto would focus at self-driving trucks, and Anthony gave his reason for picking this niche:

“While trucks drive just 5.6 percent of all U.S. miles, they’re at fault for nearly 9.5 percent of all driving fatalities: in recent years, on average, eight people die on the road due to truck accidents every day.”

With self-driving trucks, he would increase productivity and cut fatalities - or at least that was the plan...

This week - just 3 months after Otto launched and before they have sold a single product, Uber has bought the company for $680 million in stock in a deal that gives Anthony and his co-founders 20% of all future trucking profits that Uber makes.

Anthony now also gets a new job. As Uber Founder, Travis Kalanick wrote in a blog this week, “Anthony Levandowski, Otto’s co-founder, will now lead our combined self-driving efforts reporting directly to me. If that sounds like a big deal - well, it is. ”

“Otto plus Uber is a dream team. Anthony is one of the world’s leading autonomous engineers: his first invention, a self-driving motorcycle called Ghostrider, is now in the Smithsonian. Just as important, Anthony is a prolific entrepreneur with a real sense of urgency.”

The price Travis paid for Otto was not the value of Otto. It was the value of Anthony.

How - in building your business - are you building your value?

On the same day Uber announced it was buying Otto, it also announced it will have 100 self-driving Volvos making free rides in Pittsburgh by the end of this month. With the pace of change continuing to accelerate, the future continues to arrive faster than we expect.

And with the next chapter of Anthony’s life now ahead of him, what does he say about the future? “Robots here we come!”

Sunday 14 August 2016

Top 10 Startup Mistakes

Oleh : Roger James Hamilton

Four things make up 79% of all business failures:

#1 - Building something nobody wants (36%)
#2 - Hiring poorly (18%)
#3 - Lack of focus (13%)
#4 - Failing to market & sell (12%)

How to best avoid these failures:

#1 - Always start with the customer, not the product. Get your beta group / user group of customers and work with them to deliver what they love. People will pay you to do what they love, not to just do what you love.

#2 - Outsource to experts who manage themselves, not workers who need to be managed. Hire people who let you do more of what you do best, not people who take you away from your talents because they need to be managed.

#3 - Once opportunities begin to grow, don't get defocused. Anything that doesn't add to your customer's experience isn't worth doing.

#4 - Don't fail by having a great product that no one knows about. Don't rely on someone else to sell your product until you have more sales than you can handle. Don't make sales by closing customers. Create buyers by opening relationships.

#5 - More than all of the above, maximise failures that steer you (testing and measuring) and avoid failures that sink you (when you run out of money and time). Fail passionately and fail often, earning and learning with each failure, so it's you that keeps failing (and learning) and not your company!

"The biggest risk is not taking any risk.. In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks."
~ Mark Zuckerberg


"Never, never, never give up."
~ Winston Churchill